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Data Science


Predictiv Insights Predictiv Analytics competency can take you from guesswork to prediction by showing you where you are now, and where you can go next. It empowers you to analyze trends, patterns and relationships in your structured and unstructured data, apply those insights to predict future events, and act to achieve your desired outcomes. Predictiv Insights predictiv analytics services direct and target your strategy.

Our services employ predictive modeling to derive customer intelligence - strategic insights and business imperatives consisting of:

  • Best-of-breed predictive models of customer behavior.
  •   Predictive scores for each existing and future customer.
  •   Advanced customer segmentation analysis.

Predictive Modeling

Discover hidden relationships in your structured and unstructured data.

Customer analytics

Predict what customers want to win more business and improve satisfaction and retention.

Operational analytics

Make operational improvements in near real time that maximize productivity and profitability.